
Bank Statement Home Loan

Designed for Self-Employed

Write-offs are great for saving money on your taxes but bad for showing enough income to buy your dream home. Using bank statements, we can use your actual income, what’s on your taxes.

Program Highlights

  • Must Be Self-Employed
  • No Tax Returns Needed
  • Credit Scores Starting at 680
  • Loan Amounts up to 5,000,000.
  • Income Calculated by Average of Deposits
  • Primary, Second Homes & Investment properties

We Can Help

Self-employment comes with its challenges, one of them is showing traditional income. Many of our clients tell us of the question they ask themselves when it comes to filling their taxes every year. How much do I want to “owe” this year? Most choose to pay out as little as possible. Then they try to qualify for a mortgage and their tax returns don’t show enough income. This program allows you to use deposits in your personal bank statement as income. Allowing you to buy the house you want now without having to wait till you can show enough traditional income.

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We’re licensed Mortgage Professionals, and home to so much more than what big banks offer.

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  1. Get a Lower Interest Rate.
  2. Access to Hundreds of Better Programs
  3. We work for you, not the big bank.

For your next home loan, work with someone who works on your behalf. We’re brokers. We’re Better.

Juli A. Gleed

Juli A. Gleed

Mortgage Broker

A home loan specialist with over 25 years of experiance. She can help you find the best loan program that meets your needs.

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