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Here is a list of questions most asked in regards to a bad credit home loan in Salt Lake City:

  1. Question: “Where do I Find a Bad Credit Mortgage Lender in Salt Lake City Utah?”

Best Answer: “While there are many mortgage lenders in Utah, Village Mortgage is one of the few who offer bad credit mortgage loans at normal terms.  We are not a hard money lender. We offer competitive rates and terms in Salt Lake City. In short, if you are looking for a bad credit mortgage loan we may your best option.”

2. Question: “How do I Qualify for a Bad Credit Home Loan in Salt lake City Utah?”

Best Answer: “Qualifying for a Bad Credit Mortgage Loan in Salt Lake City is a simple process. One of our friendly loan officers will give you a call asking some questions about your credit and employment history. After these questions we will be able to tell you what Salt Lake City mortgage loan program you may qualify for.”

3. Question: “What type of Bad Credit Home Loans are Available in Salt Lake City Utah?”

Best Answer: “Village Mortgage offers many different types of bad credit home loan programs in Salt Lake City.

Below are some of the many:

Bad Credit Refinance Mortgage Loans in Salt Lake City

  • Rate and Term Refinance
  • Cash Out Refinance
  • VA IRRL Refinance
  • Debt Consolidation Refinance

Bad Credit Purchase Mortgage Loan in Salt Lake City

  • Home Loan
  • FHA Home Loan
  • USDA Home Loan
  • VA Loan

If you are interested in us working with you to obtain a mortgage loan please give us a call at 801-627-8888 or have has contact you by filling out a form[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]