
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_text_separator title=”Greetings from Village Mortgage ” title_align=”separator_align_center” color=”blue”][vc_column_text]The other day I was in the supermarket and wondered about why they would put the milk all the way in the back of the store. This made me want to write a short blog on “5 Clever Things That Super Markets Don’t Tell You”[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_accordion][vc_accordion_tab title=”1. Eye Level is Where They Get You “][vc_column_text]

AisleSuper markets usually place the most expensive items at eye level, where they are more likely to be selected on impulse.

[/vc_column_text][bsf-info-box icon_type=”selector” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#1e73be” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ title=”Tip” read_more=”none” read_text=”Read More” hover_effect=”style_1″ pos=”default” icon=”Defaults-ok” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_color=”#1e73be” desc_font_color=”#1e73be”]The right thing to do is to take a look at the entire group of products before deciding on a purchase, unless you have a preference on a specific brand.[/bsf-info-box][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”2. There Are 40 Check Stands But Only 2 Are Open. “][vc_column_text]

Have you ever noticed the lack of open check stands, even when a super market is busy?  There can be 5 people in line and still the store does not choose to open more. The reason for this is the longer they can keep you looking at all the candy, soda, and little snacks the more likely you are to buy some. Have children standing in the line with you? Those little aisles are kid magnets and a mother’s worst nightmare.

[/vc_column_text][bsf-info-box icon_type=”selector” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#1e73be” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ title=”Tip” read_more=”none” read_text=”Read More” hover_effect=”style_1″ pos=”default” icon=”Defaults-ok” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_color=”#1e73be” desc_font_color=”#1e73be”]Go shopping after 8 p.m. to avoid the crowds. In my experience this is when the lines at the major supermarkets are the shortest.[/bsf-info-box][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”3. The Back of the Store, The Only Place You Can Find The Milk and Bread.”][vc_column_text]

I think most people understand why stores put the milk and bread all the way in the back of the store. The chances of something other than milk catching your eye greatly increases. Then you arrive at the check stand with five other items and a 40 dollar bill.

[/vc_column_text][bsf-info-box icon_type=”selector” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#1e73be” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ title=”Tip” read_more=”none” read_text=”Read More” hover_effect=”style_1″ pos=”default” icon=”Defaults-ok” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_color=”#1e73be” desc_font_color=”#1e73be”]Don’t grab a cart or basket when your walk in the store. That way your two hands can only carry the milk and the bread.[/bsf-info-box][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”4. Killer Door Dings “][vc_column_text]

Picture of a Door Ding

The coveted parking spot right near the front of the store. Everyone wants it but only the select few get it and they pay the price. We all hate door dings but that comes with parking next to someone. Normally, adults are very careful about not slamming their door open, it is the children that struggle. Most children, being excited to enter the store, are common culprits of door dings.  I have grandchildren and know that sometimes this just can’t be stopped. So what to do?

[/vc_column_text][bsf-info-box icon_type=”selector” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#1e73be” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ title=”Tip” read_more=”none” read_text=”Read More” hover_effect=”style_1″ pos=”default” icon=”Defaults-ok” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_color=”#1e73be” desc_font_color=”#1e73be”]Park farther away from the store. This is not as bad as it sounds. In fact it actually has health benefits to both you and your car.[/bsf-info-box][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”5. What’s Cleaner a Toilet Seat or Grocery Cart? “][vc_column_text]

Grocery Cart

According to Charles Gerba, a professor at the University of Arizona, a toilet seat could be cleaner. In 2011 professor Gerba tested 85 grocery carts from four different states for bacteria that was on the handles. What were the findings? One in four carts had fecal bacteria on it. Even more shocking was that 36 carts had E. coli bacteria on them.

[/vc_column_text][bsf-info-box icon_type=”selector” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#1e73be” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ title=”Tip” read_more=”none” read_text=”Read More” hover_effect=”style_1″ pos=”default” icon=”Defaults-ok” icon_animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_color=”#1e73be” desc_font_color=”#1e73be”]Most supermarkets now have anti-bacterial wipes available near the carts. USE THEM! If you shop at a super market that does not provide this service simply buy a travel pack of anti-bacterial wipes.[/bsf-info-box][/vc_accordion_tab][/vc_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”997″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]I hope this has been interesting for you and if you have any comments or other item to add please comment at the bottom.

Juli A Gleed

Village Mortgage Inc

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